Expired on spotify!
Still alive and thanks to Carlo Meroni and Vomit Arcanus Productions now also on Spotify!! From August 1st will be available also our full lenght “Haze”! UH!!! – – – – Vivi e, grazie a Carlo e il Vomit Arcanus, vegeti e…

Still alive and thanks to Carlo Meroni and Vomit Arcanus Productions now also on Spotify!! From August 1st will be available also our full lenght “Haze”! UH!!! – – – – Vivi e, grazie a Carlo e il Vomit Arcanus, vegeti e…
Expired’s Official Videoclip of the song: “Misanthropy” from the album “Haze” (2015 – Wine Blood Records) . A great thanks to Redrough Video Production, Ivan King and all our friends that worked with us to make this possible. Support the underground! Thanks…
It’s a pleasure for us let you know that we’re complete again! It’s a big honor introduce you Giuseppe Aufiero, the new kick ass bass player of the Expired! Can’t wait for comin’ back live to show you the new line up…
The Expired sadly inform that our bass player Gaetano left the band. His decision is hard to accept even for himself but unfortunately his personal situation gave him no chance. By the way, we would really like to thank “u’zu Tano” for…
We’re fucking pleased to announce our next gig in Bresso at Blue Rose Saloon this Saturday. Doms, Overcharge, Violentor, Infest from Serbia and fuckin’ Jesus Ain’t in Poland grind machine! No excuse! We’ll wait you under the stage, thrashin’ and moshin’!! Support…
We’ve finished all the details of guitars and also some strange and crazy stuff with acoustic instruments! We’ll soon release other info about the incoming album…Get ready fuckers! The Expired are coming!!!