Expired Official Merchandise
Now available pins and stickers of the Expired!!! And soon (let’s hope) t-shirt and patches. “Drink Beer and Stay Thrash!!!” – The Expired

Now available pins and stickers of the Expired!!! And soon (let’s hope) t-shirt and patches. “Drink Beer and Stay Thrash!!!” – The Expired
The song “Far Cry” by Expired has been selected by “272 Records” for the new compilation “Kill City Vol.21”. Soon available, also from our Myspace ( 9,99 $).
Giuliano Padalino is officially the new drummer of the Expired from the 15th of January 2010. He has already done a live with us (just cover ’cause it was the 22th of the same month) and for the next live we’ll be…
A special thanks to Francesco “Bongo” La Porta, our drummer since the creation of the band (four years). A special thank also to his perents that supported us and also still now support our band. Thanks Bongo!!!
Gli Expired vorrebbero ringraziare tutti coloro che ci seguono, da chi viene ai nostri concerti a chi ci segue da lontano, ascoltando i nostri pezzi e apprezzando il nostro Thrash!!! Un particolare ringraziamento va a tutti i nostri amici che ci seguono…
Expired Demo is now available!!! Expired Demo have 3 tracks in it: 1-Far Cry 2-The Story of Saturday Night 3-Ugly Dirty Evil. At the end of all our concert it will be possible to get it. If you live far away from…